Personal & Private Ventures

Snaps for Sinners

Small Sites that Feel Huge

Whether a one page landing site our a thousand page corporate monstrosity, you still have to push a web presence to get the engagement you are hoping to find in your audience. Customers will expect to see good representation of you online, and the right website will help legitimize your growing project.

Mastering Media

Before "going pro," Snaps for Sinners LLC was a local band in Northern California that performed mostly for friends, with friends, or on a friends recommendation. While musically talented, they largely relied on scattered facebook posts to draw meager crowds to under-produced events. They knew their web presence had to evolve if they were going to reach a wider audience.

Since they were started as an amateur project, their pre-existing media was highly limited. We assisted with the production of new digital assets ranging photos, videos, and audio recordings to better represent their business. We then used the new quality media to build out a 10-page site complete with an intuitive landing page that pushed viewer engagement, custom download pages for their music, a database that sorted fans & customers along demographic lines, a calendar widget that automatically updated their shows across platforms, and scheduled social media promotions.

A year after our build, Snaps for Sinners had tripled their bookings, doubled their average returns per show, and toured 32 states. They attribute this success to the accessibility and professionalism their new site conveyed in their contract negotiations.

Style & Theme

Clear branding has a massive impact on online business, whether big or small. Navigation, high contrast text bodies, color optimization, interactive media-- these design principles define the user experience of any website.

With limited media at our disposal, we focused on a sleek easy-to-navigate & easy-on-the-eye build, making elements as interactive as possible. Powerful social media promotional tools pushed viewers to the Snaps for Sinners website, while hover states, internal links, animations, Call to Actions, and compelling media kept them there once they had arrived.

The Power of CMS

With shows spread across the country and wild spread of (mostly low fidelity) media generated in their travels, it was imperative that Snaps for Sinners have a system for quickly updating their online presence.

Content Management (CMS) provides a way to make batch edits to existing websites, all without writing a single line of code. No more waiting on the Webmaster-- Whether you need to update your calendar, vlog, or inventory, CMS puts the power in your hands.

Our effortless CMS allowed Snaps for Sinners to make lightening fast edits & additions to their postings in a code-free environment that carried zero risk of altering critical components of the website's normal functionality. Posting photos, text, videos, pricing, and more to their website, Youtube, and all their connect social media sites was all within 10 clicks to accomplish, even for someone with zero web design experience.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is used to track website performance and collect visitor insights. It can help organizations determine top sources of user traffic, gauge the success of their marketing activities and campaigns, track goal completions (such as purchases, adding products to carts), discover patterns and trends in user engagement and obtain other visitor information such as demographics.

Google Analytics acquires user data from each website visitor through the use of page tags. A JavaScript page tag is inserted into the code of each page. This tag runs in the web browser of each visitor, collecting data and sending it to one of Google's data collection servers. Google Analytics can then generate customizable reports to track and visualize data such as the number of users, bounce rates, average session durations, sessions by channel, page views, goal completions and more.

You have heard of the saying “nothing in life is free”, in the case of Google Analytics, that is not true. Google does not charge you anything for using this product. Plus, it provides you with important information, numbers and statistics to help you maximize your website’s performance.

There are other web analytic tools available, some offer an initial free period then have a monthly fee, others have a one-time charge. They all can provide you with relevant information about your websites performance, but we feel Google Analytics provides more choices of data analysis, was designed by the most popular search engine and again, it is FREE.

Give us a brief introduction to your project, what you hope to gain in a (re)build of a new site, and any concept you may have of budget & timeline. Don't hesitate if you don't know-- we are here to help you figure it out.
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