Corporate & International


Data Migration Doesn't have to

come with a Migraine.

Corporate & International businesses frequently need websites that span hundreds of pages, reach people using dozens of languages, and require seamlessly professional themes that effectively represent their brand throughout the experience of their thousands of online visitors.

As technology in business continues to advance, it is critical for competitive companies to take advantage of dynamic Content Management (CMS) for easy code-free updates any user can make, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and visitor Data Analytics to maximize their digital marketing.

I provided deliverable solutions to these problems and more to Apttus (now Conga), an international finance technology trailblazer whose Quote-to-Cash (QTC) software solutions included a cutting-edge Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ) platform, as well as an enterprise-level Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) tool.

Our contracted rebuild involved daily communication with the CTO, CMO, SEO Specialist, Webmaster, UX Designer, Graphic Designers and Compliance Officer to achieve the migration of over 1000 pages from Wordpress into their new editing software, I built out an easy CMS for their employees to use, and updated the structure / themes to better suit the user experience (UX Design), all without interrupting service on the original site.

Dynamic Content as a Solution: Spreadsheets

Content Management (CMS) provides a way to make batch edits to existing websites, all without writing a single line of code. No more waiting on the Webmaster-- Whether you need to update your calendar, vlog, or inventory, CMS puts the power in your hands.

With a dozen enterprise products, hundreds of blogs, and thousands of staff, Apttus was incapable of keeping their web presence up-to-date with the pace of their cutting edge business. Factor for time-sensitive Industry events & conventions, and their site become almost impossible to navigate for their users (who happened to speak 2 dozen different languages). Chaos ensued.

Instead of making painstaking step-by-step edits, our CMS solution made it possible for each Apttus department head to make edits to singular pages in as little as 10 clicks of a mouse, and enabled batch edits across unlimited pages with the drag-&-drop of a excel spreadsheet. This was accomplished while preserving the core build and automatically pulling thematic stylizations across the whole site.

Style & Theme

Effective Web Design is nested in the 5 key principles of User Experience.

  • Hierarchy
  • Consistency
  • Confirmation
  • User Control
  • Accessibility

A visitor to your site should always know where they are, how to get to where they come from, and where to go next. The branding should be uniform so they know what to expect from page to page and click to click. Any choices they make to interact or navigate should be clear and intentional, free from confusion. Every website should be designed easy to use regardless of common disability.

My project at Apttus transformed their impossible-to-find pages into an intuitive map a child could use (well, any child with an interest in enterprise finance solutions). We accomplished this while maintaining a tasteful presentation on all high quality digital elements. Hover-state drop down menus, icon-based language selectors, eye-catching Call to Actions, and sleek animations were all included while keeping load times to a minimum. All elements were AAA certified for contrast for those hard of vision, all images had alternative text for the blind, and the screen-reader seamlessly reproduced the site. Color swatches and class tags were used to make consistent styling throughout the over 1000 pages, allowing for the speedy generation of new pages for their industry events.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is used to track website performance and collect visitor insights. It can help organizations determine top sources of user traffic, gauge the success of their marketing activities and campaigns, track goal completions (such as purchases, adding products to carts), discover patterns and trends in user engagement and obtain other visitor information such as demographics.

Google Analytics acquires user data from each website visitor through the use of page tags. A JavaScript page tag is inserted into the code of each page. This tag runs in the web browser of each visitor, collecting data and sending it to one of Google's data collection servers. Google Analytics can then generate customizable reports to track and visualize data such as the number of users, bounce rates, average session durations, sessions by channel, page views, goal completions and more.

You have heard of the saying “nothing in life is free”, in the case of Google Analytics, that is not true. Google does not charge you anything for using this product. Plus, it provides you with important information, numbers and statistics to help you maximize your website’s performance.

There are other web analytic tools available, some offer an initial free period then have a monthly fee, others have a one-time charge. They all can provide you with relevant information about your websites performance, but we feel Google Analytics provides more choices of data analysis, was designed by the most popular search engine and again, it is FREE.

APTTUS was proud to partner with these well known companies, many of which I did business with in the generation of their site.
Give us a brief introduction to your project, what you hope to gain in a (re)build of a new site, and any concept you may have of budget & timeline. Don't hesitate if you don't know-- we are here to help you figure it out.
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